
  • Plymoath chartered by king James

    Plymouth Company was chartered by King James I with the goal to establish English colonies along the east coast of North America.
  • Plymoath attempt to escape England

    Pilgrims make first attempt to leave England for Holland but are arrested.
  • Plymoath seeks investors

    Pilgrims seek investors to help fund their journey to North America
  • Plymoath pilgrims travel from Delfthaven

    On July 22, 1620, the pilgrims travel from Delfthaven, Holland to Southampton, England on board the Speedwell where they meet up with the Mayflower. The Speedwell begins leaking en route and needs to be repaired in Southampton.
  • Plymoath set sail to the New World

    Plymoath set sail to the New World
    On August 5, 1620, the two ships set sail for the New World but the Speedwell begins leaking again and pulls into Dartmouth on August 12 for repairs.
  • Plymoath set sail again

    On August 21, 1620, the two ships set sail again but the Speedwell begins leaking again and both ships return to Plymouth, England.
  • Pilgrims stay behind in England

    On September 16, some of the pilgrims from the Speedwell stay behind in England while the others board the Mayflower. The Mayflower departs Plymouth, England and sets sail for the New World.
  • Plymoath create the Mayflower Compact

    On November 11, the Mayflower anchors in Provincetown harbor and the pilgrims create the Mayflower Compact which was a social contract designed to keep law and order in the new colony until a new patent could be obtained.
  • Plymoath three natives are executed

    On June 8, three natives are executed at Plymouth Plantation for the murder of Christian native, John Sassamon, who was working as an informer for the colonists. Tension between the the colonists and the natives come to a head.
  • King Philip and his soldiers are surrounded

    On August 12, King Philip and his soldiers are surrounded in a swamp at Mount Hope. A Pocasset native named Alderman shoots and kills Philip and his body is quartered. Philip’s head is displayed on a pike at Plymouth Colony for years after.
  • Sir Edmund Andros arrives as Governor

    On December 20, Sir Edmund Andros arrives as Governor of the Dominion of New England, which is a merging of New York with the New England colonies into one large royal colony. The Dominion is later overthrown in 1689.