Seattle City Council pases a 20 cent tax on "t-shirt" plastic bags
Edmonds, WA becomes first city in WA to ban plastic bags
Referendum 1 goes to vote by residents of Seattle, WA to repeal the ban on plastic bags.
"A local veto referendum challenging a 20-cent tax imposed by the Seattle City Council in 2008 on plastic bags". -
Seattle, WA ordinance to ban plastic bags goes into effect
Bellingham, WA ordinance to ban plastic bags goes into effect
Initial Olympia City Council Meeting and Work Session to discuss the bag outreach project
Senate Bill 5254 is introduced in the Washington State legislature
Regarding retail store carryout bags. -
Senate Bill 5248 is introduced to the Washington State legislature
Creating a tax on plastic shopping bags. -
Senate Bill.5386 (House Bill 1310) is introduced to the Washington State Legislature
Public hearing of Senate Bill 5248
3:30 pm hearing of the Senate Wasy and Means Committee. Creating a tax on plastic shopping bags. -
Tumwater City Council passes ordinance to ban plastic "t-shirt" bags
Thurston County passes ordinance to ban plastic "t-shirt" bags
Lemay, Inc, Thurston County's recycling provider will stop recycling plastic bags
Olympia City Council passes ordinance to ban plastic "t-shirt" bags
Plastic Bag Ban Ordinance goes into effect in participating cities and in unincorporated Thurston County