
Plant Growth

By scuccia
  • Planted Seed

    Planted Seed
    We gathered soil and put in the a pot. We dug a small hole and put the seed in. We watered the soil and put it on the window sill.
  • Watered Plant

    My partner and I watered the plant and examined that nothing had changed.
  • Watered Plant

    No changes
  • Watered Plant

    No changes
  • Seedling Sprouted

    Seedling Sprouted
    My partner and I concluded that our seedling had sprouted. We watered our plant.
  • More sun needed

    More sun needed
    My partner and I concluded that our plant needed more sun. We compared our plant to other classmates and it looks like ours is lacking sun.
  • Young Adult Plant Growth

    Young Adult Plant Growth
    My partner and I concluded that our plant is now at the young adult stage.