Period: to
Perpetual Motion Machine
During this period, I am going to work in my Physical Chemistry project, that is the creation of Perpetual Motion Machine model. -
Period: to
Searching information
These days, I will be searching theory information about PMM on Internet and books; then I will be asking for help to professors who know this topic and, finally, I will be begginning to write a theorical framework with the most relevant information I collect. -
Period: to
Looking for models
Since May 13th, I will be watching videos made by people who have tried to develop PMM; also, I will be surfing the net in order to find diagrams and blueprints or plans for models of PMM. Eventually, I wil be looking for the materials and buying them. -
Period: to
Building a PMM
Once I have materials and plans for PMM, I will be starting to build different models in order to select the best. I will have written the methodology and the results by the following days. Finally, I will have built a PMM model and I will have completed the report (with analysis and conclusions) by May 31st.