Period: to
Implementation Plan for Makers Space
The following timeline projects a series of events planned to create a makers space at Avaxat Elementary School -
Recruit for Maker Space Committee
MSC Meeting 1
-Discuss the development of space for students to develop their creativity
-Read and discuss article on maker spaces
-Discuss Viability of one at Avaxat -
School Leadership Meeting
Discussion of Makers Spaces & Viability -
Identify a Space
Work with staff, teachers, and district personnel to identify a space -
MSC Meeting 2
Create Development Action Plan -
All Staff Meeting
Share out plans for Makers Space -
Period: to
Secure Funding
Secure Funding (Donations, Staff, District, Grants) -
Place orders for Materials
Whiteboards, Materials, Green Screens, Relevant Technology -
Installation of the Makers Space
Staff Development: Collaboration
Staff Development: Planning Organizing
Staff Development: Media
Grand Opening: Maker Space