
Plan worked out with Kat

  • Create emails

    Email #1I need to know what is in each one
  • Figure out what happens with forms

  • Get Wufoo survey done

  • Period: to

    New YOU University

  • Get design from Chris

  • Make announcement to coaches that they will only be in there if they are part of the marketing or they can join themselves or they are in training

    Heather, Crystal, Teri, Savina, Maggie, Gina
    Give them a deadline of October 1. Make appts to talk about it.
  • Make appts with those interested

  • Make announcement to j.e that change is coming

    give them frameofmind link to join if they want to keep their other friends.
  • Send announcement to old lists that change is coming

  • unhook community from global community

  • Everything goes live