

By m&m321
  • exsploration pilgrams

    exsploration pilgrams
    the pilgrams left england for there religous freedom and created the therteen colonies witch also started th u.s. wich also created the three colonies
  • Period: to

    pilgrams and colonies

    the exsploration of pilgrams and the creation of the colonies
  • Southern colonies

    Southern colonies
    states maryland,virginia,north carolina south carolina and georgea the econimics tabacco,indigo,grain
    geography moist soil essey growing colonies religeon babtist and angelian
  • middle colony

    middle colony
    the states that wher founded are new york,pennsylvania,new jersy & deleware thre economics are based on t grains there geography is firm soil kind of moist
  • the new england colony

    the new england colony
    massachusetts, new hampshire, rhode island and connecticut they where founded for there ships wood fih and grains there geography is rocky soil and large wooded area