Pieces of technology

  • Abacus

    When I first started school in Mexico the very first piece of technology I used was the abacus we didn't have calculators.
  • VHS

    Throughout my school years in elementary, middle, and high school we used VHS to teach us different lessons, especially in science class.
  • headphones

    I remember using cassettes and headphones just like the one in the picture. I used them for listening to different stories and were teaching me different English words/stories.
  • Sharpener

    I added this sharpener because it was essential for everyone to have one in their class.
  • scantron testing

    scantron testing
    Scantrons were used a lot when was in middle and high school to make it easier for teachers or the state to grade tests.
  • Overhead projector

    Overhead projector
    Every teacher used an overhead projector and was used to project different things on a bigger screen.
  • calculator

    Calculators are important to be used in math class, especially for children who have accommodations.
  • laptops

    Laptops are essential in today's society Schools have turned to using laptops in class and outside of class. The school I work at only assigned homework online.
  • Cellphones

    Cell phones can be used for educational purposes like communicating with teachers, doing homework, etc.
  • Zoom

    Zoom is very important to today's society, when covid hit a lot of schools turned to remote teaching and used Zoom to communicate and teach.