
  • Birthdate

    Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso is borin in Malaga, Spain. Picture can be found at: http://www.pablopicasso.org/images/picasso.jpg
  • Receives first Training

    Under tutelage of father, José Ruiz Blasco, Picasso receives artitstic training in drawing figures, especially animals.
  • Period: to

    Family in La Coruna, Spain

    Father accepts job at Escuela de Bellas Artes; Sister, Conchita, passes away at age 9 in 1895.
  • Picasso enrolled in father's classes

    Picasso enrolled in father's classes
    Progresses from drawings to plasters to finally paintings. GIRL WITH BARE FEET Image Source:
  • Period: to

    Picasso family in Barcelona, Spain

    PIcasso's father accepts postion at Escuela de Bellas Artes in Barcelona. Picasso begins to assert independence.
  • Picasso passes examinations at Escuela de Bellas Artes

    At the age of 14, Picasso passes entrance exams for this prestigious school.
  • Creates studio with friend, Manuel Pallarés

    Creates studio with friend, Manuel Pallarés
    Picasso becomes disinterested with school; Opens studio with friend. FIRST COMMUNION Image Source:
  • Picasso enrolls in Academia Real de San Fernando in Madrid, Spain

    frustrated by Picasso's independence, PIcasso's father enrolls him in Spains top art academy. Howver, Picasso does not like the academics and drops out after a few months.
  • Picasso returns to Barcelona

    Picasso returns to Barcelona
    Upon retunring, Picasso frequents the cafe, The Four Cats. This spot features artists who are invovled with the Catalan modernist movement. Among the friendships formed include the painter Carles Casagemas and poet Jaime Sabartés. Image Source:
  • Picasso exhibits at the Four Cats

    Picasso displays 150 drawings at Els Quatre Gats which leades to publication and inviation to show at the Exposition Universelle in Paris for later that year.
  • Picasso in Paris

    The painting LAST MOMENTS is exhibited at the Exposition Universelle in Paris. Picasso also meet art dealers who agree to sell his works.
  • Learns of friend's suicide

    Learns of friend's suicide
    Picasso learns that his friend, Casagemas has committed suicide. This tragedy is the impetus of complex works dedicated to his friend. EVOCATION: THE BURIAL OF CASAGEMAS Image Source:
  • Period: to

    Blue Period

    Picasso predominantly uses blue hues. His paintings leans towards social pariahs such as beggars and prostitutes. In this period, Picasso first produces bronze sculptures.
  • Creates Head of a Picador with a Broken Nose

    Creates Head of a Picador with a Broken Nose
  • Meets Fernande Olivier

    Picassos courts Fernande Olivier after meeting her in a storm. The pair will live a Bohemian lifestyle for the next five years, Her influence can be seen in the paintings of the Rose Period.
  • Period: to

    Rose Period

    Picasso's choice of color changes from somber blues to brightened pinks and flesh tones. His subject matter changes as Picasso produces images of circus performers.
  • Produces Family of Saltimbanques

    Produces Family of Saltimbanques
  • Period: to

    African Influences

    Living in Paris, Picasso is enamored by art and artifacts that are coming from France's African colonies. Henry Matisse introduces Picasso to various pieces of African art that would ignite Picasso's Cubist passions.
  • Creates Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

    Creates Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
  • Period: to

    Analyitical Cubism

    Picasso during this period creates paintings that are difficult to interpet because of the lighting and shape patterns.
  • Creates Wilhelm Uhde

    Creates Wilhelm Uhde
    Picasso is contracted to create portraits of his patrons. An example of this is WILHELM UHDE. Image Source:
  • Period: to

    Courtship of Eva Gouel

    Picasso lives in Paris and Avignon with new lover Eva Gouel. She dies at the age of 30 in 1915,
  • Period: to

    Synthetic Cubism

    Picasso uses pieces of newspapers and wallpaper to create collages. He was the first major artist to use collage as a major medium.
  • Produces Still-life with Chair-caning

    Produces Still-life with Chair-caning
  • Produces Mandolin and Clarinet

    Produces Mandolin and Clarinet
  • Period: to

    World War I

  • Period: to

    Variations of style, Classicism and the theatre,

    Ballet became a big influence in Picasso's life. He worked to create costume design and sets for five ballets for the Ballets Russes. He also continued tocreate Cubist painting as his main form of occupation.
  • Marries Olga Khokhlova

    Picasso marries first wife after meeting her through his ballet production work. She was a ballerina for the performance Parade.
  • Creates caricature of Igor Stravinsky

    Creates caricature of Igor Stravinsky
  • Creates Three Women at the Spring

    Creates Three Women at the Spring
  • Period: to

    1920s Classicism

    Picasso reverts back to Classicsm artforms based upon his own interpretations. These forms provide a sharp contrast between Cubism and later Surrealism. Picasso's reputation grew within this decade internationally. He showed large exhibitions in Paris, Rome, Munich, and New York.
  • Creates Three Musicians

    Creates Three Musicians
  • Son Paulo is born

    Mother Khokhlova
  • Creates The Dance

    Creates The Dance
  • Period: to


    After the close of World War I, one of the artictic movements of the Lost Generation was surrealism. This movement played on images of violence and darker themes. Picasso also experiments with different forms of media.
  • Meets Marie-Thérèse Walter and begins long affair

    The affair would lead to the seperation in June 1935 between Khokhlova and Picasso. They were, however, technically married until Khokhlova 's death in 1955.
  • Wins Carnegie Prize

  • Creates Figures by the Sea

    Creates Figures by the Sea
  • Catalogue Raisonné published

    Christian Zervos publishes a major catalogue raisonné of Picasso's works.
  • Daughter María de la Concepción is born

    Mother Marie-Thérèse Walter
  • Period: to

    Affair with painter Dora Maar

  • Period: to

    War years

    The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and World War II brought Picasso's artwork into the political arena. He backed the Popular Front in Spain. When Nazism descended on France in 1940, he turned to the Left. In 1944, he joined the French Communist Party. Post war, he became an advocate for peace.
  • Creates Guernica

    Creates Guernica
    Perhaps Picasso's most famous work, GUERNICA is a response to the German abd Italian aerial bombing of the Basque city, Guernica in 1936. Image Source:
  • Creates Night Fishing at Antibes

    Creates Night Fishing at Antibes
  • Museum of Modern Art's Exhibition

    New York's Museum of Modern Art celebrates Picasso with a large exhibition that highlight his life's works. This exhibition helped Picasso garner a grand reputation.
  • Begins Affair with Françoise Gilot

    Picasso begins affair with art student Gilot that would lead to bitter rancor between the two.
  • Son Claude is born

    Mother Gilot
  • Daughter Pauloma is born

    Mother Gilot
  • Period: to

    Later Works

    Picasso entered the final years known for his celbrity status as much as his artwork. International recognition followed him wherever he went. He continued to exhibited intenrationally, His last pieces were vivid and filled with emotion. Picasso was the forerunner of what later became known as neo-expressionism.
  • Creates Massacre in Korea

    Creates Massacre in Korea
  • Marries model Jacqueline Roque

  • Creates Rape of the Sabines

    Creates Rape of the Sabines
    RAPE OF THE SABINES Image Source:
  • Dedication of the Chicago Picasso statue

    Dedication of the Chicago Picasso statue
  • Creates Suite 347

    Creates Suite 347
  • Death