Physical Therapy Career Timeline

  • 550 BCE

    The First Treatment Plans are Prescribed

    Herodicus informs his patients of therapy and exercises that will ease their pain or disease.
  • 435 BCE

    Hippocrates Begins to Use Physical Therapy

    Hippocrates used a variety of different techniques that are popular in society today, such as the use of massages.
  • War Causes Rapid Advancements

    Therapy further expanded to help soldiers after injuries due to World War 1 and also the Polio outbreak.
  • APTA was Established

    The "American Physical Therapy Association" developed ,which is basically a membership of physical therapists.
  • First Physical Therapy Program Created

    Northwestern University creates the first university to generate physical therapist, and the University of Pittsburgh and New York University follow closely behind.
  • Becoming a Physical Therapist Takes 2 Years

    Physical Therapists only needed two years of education in order to be certified.
  • Practice Moved Outside the Hospital

    Instead of solely being based in a hospital setting, physical therapy was also done in schools, rehab centers, etc.
  • Requirements to Become Certified Increase

    Now, in order to become a certified physical therapist, you must have a four year baccalaureate degree.
  • The CAPTE is Created

    The Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education is created to make sure that schools are properly certifying physical therapist.
  • Requirements Upped Once Again

    The requirements to become a certified physical therapist are now updated to a Master's degree.
  • Virtual Reality in Physical Therapy

    Virtual reality is introduced to physical therapy to encourage patients to not only move their bodies, but have fun doing it.
  • Wearable Tech Evolves

    Wearable tech, such as Apple Watches and other forms of fitness watches make it easier to track an individual's movement, calories, and heartbeat.
  • CAPTE Makes Changes to Degree Needed

    CAPTE now requires that physical therapy students must now graduate with a doctorates in physical therapy.
  • Teleheath Increases

    With incredible spikes in COVID-19, the number of tele heath visits increase greatly, increasing virtual physical therapy appointments