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    Planck Epoch

    Planck Epoch
    • there was NO matter in the first 14 million years. Temp was 4 Kelvin = -269 deg C This created the “quantities” of space and time Space and Time added together = GRAVITY Speed of Light was born = 299, 792, 458 m/s 2+9+9+7+9+2+4+5+8 = 55 = 5+5 = 10 = 1+0 = 1 Remember, is the number of humanity is 1 What is the number of degrees tilt of the earth = 23.4 = 2+3+4 = 9 13.8 billion years old = 1+3+8 = 12 = 1+2 = 3
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    Grand Unification Epoch

    Grand Unification Epoch
    The temperature of the universe increased.
    Strong Nuclear Force >>>>>>> separated from the rest.
    Electromagnetic Force
    Weak Nuclear Force
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    Inflationary Epoch

    Inflationary Epoch
    The Universe’s great expansion in size in a cone shape from the size of an atom to the size of a grapefruit.
    The Universe became super-heated and filled with particles:
    Quarks, Antiquarks and Electrons (the building blocks of atoms)
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    Forces of Nature were born: (SUPERFORCES

    Forces of Nature were born: (SUPERFORCES
    Weak Nuclear Force:
    the energy needed to create Radiation - things must decay back to their original form.

    Radiation is the separation of the Electromagnetic Force.
    The power that holds particle matter together begins to fall apart.
    Gravity: IS the foundation for all of these events to occur
    Creates Friction, without it nothing could exist.
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    Quark Epoch

    Quark Epoch
    This happens 10-12Seconds after the first EXPLOSION
    All the ingredients to make the Universe were present but the Universe was still too hot and dense for subatomic particles to form.
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    Hadron Epoch

    Hadron Epoch
    This happens 10-6Seconds after the first EXPLOSION
    The Universe began to cool enough for Quarks to bind together to form protons and neutrons
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    Lepton Epoch

    Lepton Epoch
    This happens 1 Second after the first EXPLOSION
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    nuclear ephoc

    nuclear ephoc
    This happens 100 Seconds after the first EXPLOSION
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    Atomic Epoch

    Atomic Epoch
    started 50,000 years after the explosion
    The Universe continues to cool to allow electrons to attach to nuclei
    This process is called RECOMBINATION.
    This produces the first true atom with an electron.
    True energy was born as electrons were introduced to nuclei to both Helium and Hydrogen.
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    Galactic Epoch

    Galactic Epoch
    The newly formed Hydrogen and Helium created atomic clouds throughout the universe. Inside these clouds, small pockets of gas allowed atoms to collect and form “clusters”. These clusters collected again to form atoms filled with gas to form shape onto GRAVITY > formed into galaxies
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    Stellar Epoch

    Stellar Epoch
    formed 3 billion years after the explosion
    The formation of stars shaped the Universe.
    Super Heat + Hydrogen + Helium => formed the remaining elements on the Periodic Table.
    Planets, Moons. And the Suns were formed to what we see today.