
Photography Development

By Keanna
  • First photo taken

    First photo taken
    Joseph Nicéphore Niépce took the first picture
  • An Introduction to the Calotype

    An Introduction to the Calotype
    William Henry Fox Talbot introduces the calotype, a further refinement of his negative-to-positive process
  • Frederick Scott Archer introduces the wet collodion process

    Frederick Scott Archer introduces the wet collodion process
    Requiring less time for exposures and less expensive than daguerreotypes, the wet plate collodion process provided a greater level of detail and clarity. It remained the dominant glass negative process in the United States until it was replaced by the gelatin dry plate process in the 1880s.
  • Cabinet photographs are introduced in the United States

    Cabinet photographs are introduced in the United States
    Cabinet photographs gradually replaced cartes de visite in popularity. They often were studio portraits and had the photographer’s imprint on the back. Measuring approximately 6.5 x 4.25 inches (16.5 x 10.5 cm), the cabinet card format was popular until the turn of the century
  • In France, the Lumière brothers introduce the autochrome color process

    The first commercial color process, the autochrome became popular with amateur photographers and remained available until the late 1930s.
  • Eastman Kodak introduces Kodachrome, the first color transparency film

  • Eastman Kodak develops the Kodacolor process for making color prints from color negatives

    The first amateur color negative film, Kodacolor was sold with the cost of processing and printing included in the price until a 1954 federal court’s decree forced Kodak to stop this practice.
  • National Geographic, an early pioneer of printed color photographs, becomes the first major American periodical to publish an issue with all color photographs

  • Camera phone is introduced

  • Kodak ceases production of film cameras