Phonics Timeline

  • Birth

    The day I was born there was a huge blizzard that closed down everything! I added a photo of my sisters and I snowboarding since I love the snow.
  • Mission trip to Boston

    Mission trip to Boston
    I am very passionate about missions work. My first missions trip was to Boston MA where we mostly helped the homeless community.
  • Mission trip to Brazil

    Mission trip to Brazil
    Brazil was my second missions trip and my first over seas mission trip. I LOVED it here and pray that I can go back. While in Brazil we built a church. Here is the waterfall we got to visit with one of my favorite Bible verses.
  • Mission trip to Haiti

    Mission trip to Haiti
    Haiti was an amazing opportunity and I hope I can go back one day. While there I babysat for three different families and volunteered at an orphanage.
  • I became an aunt!

    I became an aunt!
    On July 25th, 2016 at 3:35pm my nephew, Brayden Michael Hamilton, was born. He weighed albs 1oz and was 21inches long. I love him so much and miss him while at school
  • Phonics

    Becoming an Intervention Specialist is something I am so excited about and very passionate about doing. From the time I was in 1st grade all the way till 6th grade I had a tutor because I was not good in school. Finally I had one teacher, Mr.Morgan, who changed my life and how I learned. I want to make that impact on someone else so I am excited to see what I will learn from this course and how I can use the information to teach my future students.