Computer History

By Wal-e
  • First Battery

    First Battery
    The first battery was made by Volta.
  • First Lightbulb

    First Lightbulb
    Lightbulbs are used to glow and to lighten up the place. Thomas Edison and his team of researchers researched, designed and made over 3000 designs.
  • First Automobile Powered by Engine

    First Automobile Powered by Engine
    In 1807, François Isaac de Rivaz designed the first car that is powered by a internal combustion engine that is fuelled hydrogen.
  • First Camera (Mostly Successful)

    First Camera (Mostly Successful)
    Camera's are used to take images (pictures) of people and other things. The first camera was made by Nicéphore Niépce.
  • First Mechanical Computer (Desktop)

    First Mechanical Computer (Desktop)
    A desktop is used as a laptop but with a bigger screen and a stand and it is not able to be brought around places unlike laptops. The first mechanical desktop also known as the "Analytical Engine" was made by Charles Babbage but was not actually made due to funding problems but after a while, his youngest son could make portions of this machine (1910).
  • First phone

    First phone
    First phone was spoken in and made by Alexander Graham Bell
  • First LoudSpeaker

    First LoudSpeaker
    Speakers are used to amplify and increase the sounds volume. The first speaker was made by Alexander Graham Bell (Made the first phone) and it was also a part of the first phone but the following year it was improved by Ernst Seimens.
  • Period: to

    Computer History

    Phone Timeline
  • First Radio

    First Radio
    The first radio was made by a italian person called Guglielmo Marconi that was wireless.
  • First Television

    First Television
    The first television made was by Philo Farnworth and it was demonstrated in 1928 1st of september.
  • First Programmable Computer (Desktop)

    First Programmable Computer (Desktop)
    The first programmable computer was also known as Z1 and it was made by a german named Konrad Zuse.
  • First Electronic Calculator

    First Electronic Calculator
    Calculators are used to calculate all sorts of things mostly sums in math.
  • First Computer (Laptop)

    First Computer (Laptop)
    Laptops are used as computers but it is smaller than desktops and there is a lid that can close the screen and it can be brought around places unlike desktops. The first laptop was made by Adam Osborne and was called "Osborne 1"
  • First Microsoft

    First Microsoft
    Microsoft is one of the biggest programs in computers, there is microsoft word, powerpoint etc etc and it was made by bill gates
  • Facebook

    Facebook is one of the biggest social media in the world with millions of people on it, you can share photos, chat to friends and play games for your entertainment and it was made by Mark Zuckerberg.
  • 1st generation iphone

    1st generation iphone
    1st generation iphone is a product from the company apple, that is the first digital phone made by apple and the creator and boss of apple is known as steve jobs.