Phillippe Petit

  • Walked across Notre Dame Cathedral Towers

    Walked across Notre Dame Cathedral Towers
  • U.S. planes bomb North Vietnam on Christmas Day

  • Tightrope walked across the Sydney Harbor Bridge

    Tightrope walked across the Sydney Harbor Bridge
  • Mobile phone is invented

  • Phillippe walked across the Twin Towers on a tightrope

    Phillippe walked across the Twin Towers on a tightrope
  • Petit arrested for walking across Twin Towers

    Petit arrested for walking across Twin Towers
    Sentanced to perform for children in Central Park
  • Vietnam War ends

  • The United States turned 200 years old

  • Vietnam Memorial opens in Washington

  • The United States invades Grenada

  • Walked across Niagara Falls on a tightrope

  • Performed at the Lincoln Center

  • Tightroped across the Harp/ A Bridge for Peace

  • Grand Central Station Terminal Walk

    Grand Central Station Terminal Walk
  • Communist domination ends in the Czech Republic

  • Rwandan genocide begins in Africa

  • President Bill Clinton was impeached

  • Terrorist crash planes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon

  • Man on Wire comes out

    A movie about Petit's walks
  • The Walk came out

    A movie about Petit's walk across the Twin Towers and what he did to prepare