
Philippine History

  • Period: May 19, 1480 to Apr 27, 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan

    A Portuguese explorer who sailed from Spain on August 10, 1519 in search of the “Spice Islands” (present-day Indonesia). Before arriving in the Philippines he successfully reached South America, discovered the Strait of Magellan and crossed the Pacific Ocean. He arrived in Cebu on March 16, 1521, befriending and converting the locals to Christianity. Nearly a month later, he was killed in battle by a poison arrow.
  • Mar 16, 1521

    First European Visitor

    First European Visitor
    Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrives on the island of Cebu, where he befriends the local people and their Muslim leader, Rajah Humabon. At the request of the Rajah, Magellan helps them fight their neighbors (the Mactanese), but is shot and killed by a poison arrow. Although he did not establish any settlements, he successfully introduced Christianity to the local people.
  • Feb 13, 1565

    Spanish Colonization

    Spanish Colonization
    Spanish explorer Miguel López de Legazpi arrives and establishes the first permanent settlement in Cebu (then-called San Miguel), along with smaller towns on the Bay of Manila. This signifies the start of Spanish colonization in the country, along with political unification and western influence.!date=1561-12-06_18:23:11!
  • Period: to

    Jose Rizal (national hero)

    A Filipino novelist and physician who inspired the Philippine nationalist movement during the Revolution. He wrote novels that exposed the cruelty caused by Spanish rule, including Noli me Tangere (1887) and El filibusterismo (1891). He also founded La Liga Filipina, but was arrested four days later by Spanish authorities. Although he had no direct involvement to the Katipunan, he was charged with sedition and executed by firing squad.
  • La Liga Filipina is founded

    La Liga Filipina is founded
    Jose Rizal, a physician and novelist, forms the progressive organization called La Liga Filipina. Originally envisioned as a mutual aid society that would distribute scholarship funds, it would unite people involved in the reform movement and those for a united homogenous country.
  • Rizal arrested / Birth of Katipunan

    Rizal arrested / Birth of Katipunan
    Jose Rizal is arrested by Spanish authorities for organizing La Liga Filipina, as well as suspected involvement in the rebellion. On the same day, revolutionary hero Andrés Bonifacio formed the Katipunan – a society organized by anti-Spanish Filipinos wishing for independence from Spain - in Manila. They were inspired by Rizal's arrest and believed that their beliefs were suppressed by colonial authorities.
  • Cry of Balintawak

    Cry of Balintawak
    Andrés Bonifacio and his men began to revolt in an area called Kalookan near present-day Quezon City and tore up their sédula (a legal identity document) as a symbol of defiance towards Spain. A week prior, a member named Teodoro Patiño revealed the group's activities to his sister and a portress, who later informed authorities. This event marked the beginning of the Philippine Revolution against the Spaniards.
  • Philippine Independence is Declared

    Philippine Independence is Declared
    Emiliio Aguinaldo, a revolutionary leader part of the Katipunan, officially proclaims Philippine Independence after the American victory in the Battle of Manila Bay. Shortly afterward, a provincial government is created and Aguinaldo serves as the first head of state.
  • Rizal Monument (Bantayog ni Jose Rizal)

    Rizal Monument (Bantayog ni Jose Rizal)
    One of the most popular, most visited and photographed monuments, this obelisk structure houses the remains of Jose Rizal, the country's famed national hero. It is guarded by the Philippine Marine Corps' Escort and Security Group, and it has been a daily ritual of switching out the guards. Dioramas just 300 ft. from the obelisk marks the exact location where Rizal was executed and show his final moments. (Date listed is opening day)
  • Period: to

    Ferdinand Marcos

    A Filipino dictator who is also known as the dictator of the Philippines, serving from 1966 to 1986. He declared martial law on Sept. 21, 1972, which marked the beginning of an authoritarian regime. His time in office had been plagued with cases of corruption and fraud - he arrested opposing politicians and spent billions of dollars from the country. On February 25, 1986, his family fled the country due to rising protests.
  • Period: to

    Philippine Campaign

    Japanese forces invade the Philippines in order to block the U.S from using the country as a base of operations. The Japanese successfully won the Battle of Bataan and the Battle of Corregidor, and as a result, forced Filipino (and U.S) prisoners of war to participate in the Bataan Death March on April 9, 1942. Despite this, the campaign united both U.S and the Philippines against the Axis Powers.
  • Martial Law is Declared

    Martial Law is Declared
    President Ferdinand Marcos declares martial law, due to his justifications of Communist and Muslim threats in the country. Marcos assumes absolute power, Congress is suspended and censorship (aimed at freedom of speech and protest) is enacted. Opposing politicians are arrested, thus marking the beginning of dictatorship in the country.
  • MacArthur Landing Memorial Park

    MacArthur Landing Memorial Park
    Located in Palo in the Leyte province, this memorial commemorates the landing of Gen. Douglas MacArthur and the Allied Forces on October 20, 1944. It also commemorates MacArthur's promise to return to the country to liberate the country from Japanese control. Along with the statue of MacArthur, it includes the statue of Pres. Sergio Osmeña and the five others who walked alongside him.(Date is opening)
  • Assassination of Benigno Aquino Jr.

    Assassination of Benigno Aquino Jr.
    Philippine opposition leader and the rival of Ferdinand Marcos, Benigno Aquino Jr., was assassinated at the Manila International Airport after returning from a 3-year exile to the U.S. His return was risky, as he had been threatened with a death sentence and charged with sedition and murder. Seconds after leaving his plane, he had been shot in the neck by an assailant. His murder sparked the growth of the opposition.
  • Period: to

    People Power Revolution

    Over two million Filipinos participated in a series of peaceful demonstrations held along Epifanio de los Santos Road. The protests were held in response to Benigno Aquino Jr.'s assassination and the alleged election fraud. Famously, men and women linked arms to block troops. As a result, Ferdinand Marcos was removed from office and Corazon Aquino (the wife of Benigno) became the president of a new government.
  • People Power Monument

    People Power Monument
    This monument is located on EDSA in Quezon City and was built to commemorate the EDSA Revolution of 1986. The People Power Monument is a sculpture of patriotic people representing those who participated in the protest, with each person holding a Philippine flag. They also represent how the non-violent protests were successful in overthrowing President Marcos and regaining their democracy.
  • Period: to

    Typhoon Haiyan

    Considered the deadliest typhoon to hit the Philippines, over 14 million people across 46 provinces were affected by the storm. The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration recorded winds up to 147 mph. The storm also created flooding up to 25 ft. (especially in the city of Tacloban, which received the most damage) with 6,340 people dead and 1,061 missing people.