PHIL202 Timeline

  • Ernest Nagel

    Ernest Nagel was Born in Prague and eventually made his way to the United States and earned his citizenship, later teaching at Columbia. One of his greatest contributions to the Philosophy of Science was his idea of contextualistic analysis. He describes this as a method to interpret theoretical ideas in reference to their ability to show results with identifiable context. Reference
    “Ernest Nagel.” Visit the Main Page, Accessed 9 June 2024.
  • Imre Lakatos

    Laktos greatest contribution to the philosophy of science was his idea of Research Programs. This can be describes as Theories which are actually a central theory or idea surrounded by other theories that support the central one. He developed this as a middle ground between Khun's Irrationalism and Poppers Falsificationism. Reference
    “Imre Lakatos.” Visit the Main Page, Accessed 9 June 2024.
  • Alvin Plantinga

    Alvin Plantinga has had a tremendous impact on the philosophy of religion in the last few decades. This was first introduced in 1984 in his paper "Advice To Christian Philosophers". This paper suggested how to pursue a philosophical agenda that explores how a person with a Christian perspective should ponder various topics central to his or her discipline of study. This in itself drastically changed how the following generation of Christian philosophers interpret things in their discipline.
  • John Polkinghorne

    John Polkinghorne had an exceptional life, he started out earning his bachelors and masters in mathematics and then gained a doctorate degree in quantum field theory. At age 40 he decided to become a priest and in later years would write many books on the marriage of science and faith and how they support one another. He was awarded the Templeton prize in 2002 for his progress in research and science about spiritual realities.
  • John Polkinghorne Interview

    This is a great interview for anyone wanting to explore exactly how Polkinghorne's philosophy applies to science and religion. It is a very good watch and approximately 8 minutes long. Interview:
  • References 2

    “John Polkinghorne.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 2 May 2024,
  • References

    .“." Encyclopedia of Philosophy. . Encyclopedia.Com. 15 May. 2024 .” Encyclopedia.Com,, 9 June 2024,
    “Ernest Nagel.” Visit the Main Page, Accessed 9 June 2024.
    “Imre Lakatos.” Visit the Main Page, Accessed 9 June 2024.