Tennis Court Oath
After the 3rd Estate was ignored and not taken seriously at the Eastate's General, the represenitives from the 3rd Estate stormed out and went to a nearby tennis court. At the tennis court the representives decided to work together to get a constitution for France and they would not dispand until one was created. -
The Great Fear
The Great Fear began after the Storming of the Bastille when peasants began to think that the nobles would attactk back on them. The peasants began arming themselves and eventually attatcked the nobles. This lead to the abolition of feudalism -
Storming the Bastille
Storming the Bastille is important because it is the first big step that signifies the strart of the French revolutution. Citizens stormed the Bastille which is a prison fortress type place and freed the prisoners and destroyed it. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was put into adoption on August 26, 1789. Marquis de Lafayette created and wrote a document enlisting rights of man and the citizen. He wrote these because he believed that opressing men and restricting their rights is one of the main reasons for crime and corrupt government. -
Women's Bread March
On October 5, 1789, Parisian women marched to Versailles in anger over the price of bread. They were going to Versailles to talk to King Louis the XVI about these bad prices. -
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
On July 12, 1790, the Civil Constitution of the Clergy was issued by the French government. The constitution declared that the Catholic Church in France would now be controlled by the state. Although the pope was still viewed as the “spiritual head” government now had control of all of the affairs of the church, including the appointment of priests and bishops and handling financial matters. Furthermore, the clergy must now swear loyalty to the king. Those who refused were persecuted. -
Louis's Escape
Louis XVI and his family escaped from Paris after being inprisoned in Tuileries Palace for several months. After their escape they were caught again in Varennes and returned to Paris. -
Constitution of 1791
While Louis XVI was in prison he was forced to accept the Constitution of 1791. This Constitution provided a limited monarchy and created a new legislature called the French Legislative Assembly instead of the National Assembly. -
August 4th decrees
After the execution of Louis XVI in August of 1792, Georges Danton issued a degree which enlisted a few of the ideals and strategies of the French Revolution. This decree specified many of the rules and standards that the generals of the republic would be held accountable to.