Photo on 25 03 2019 at 9.02 am

Peyton's autobiography

  • Birth

    Born in LA
  • My first pet

    My first pet was a goldfish
  • Started preschool

    The name of the Preschool is Shining Star.
  • Started elementary school

    Cypress Village is the name of the school
  • First friend

    My first friend was called Jack, Jayden, And Wyatt
  • Left USA and flew to Korea

  • Started going to DWIGHT SCHOOL SEOUL

    Started going to DWIGHT SCHOOL SEOUL

    I got a MacBook Pro and PS4
  • Greatest Christmas

    Santa gave me a 100 dollar bill but IT WAS PAPER. So my mom swapped it into real MONEY
  • My second pet

    I got a pet beetle