Peter the great (2)

Peter the Great of Russia

By ykawai
  • Peter's Father, Tsar Alexis, Died

    Peter's Father, Tsar Alexis, Died
    After his death, Peter's elder half-brother, Feodor III of Russia, took over the sovereignty.
  • People Began to See Peter in the German Quarter of Moscow

    People Began to See Peter in the German Quarter of Moscow
    Peter visited the German quarter of Moscow many times to see the modern tools and machines that were sold in the foreigners' shops there.
  • Feodor III of Russia died

    Feodor III of Russia died
    Because Feodor did not leave any children, Peter ended up taking power with his mother as regent.
  • Married Eudoxia Lopykhina

    This marriage was urged by Peter's mother and they had a son, Alexey, but the marriage did not last for long.
  • Began Building St. Petersburg in Sweden

    Began Building St. Petersburg in Sweden
    After winning the war, "window of Europe," Peter successfully claimed a portion of Sweden's land and built a new city there.
  • Divorced Eudoxia, Married Marta Skavronskaya

    Divorced Eudoxia, Married Marta Skavronskaya
    After Alexey's mysterious death, the two divorced and on the same year, Peter married Marta who in the future, became Empress Catherine I.
  • Peter Falls Sick

    Peter Falls Sick
    Although Peter almost never had issues with his health, he began having problems with his urinary tract and bladder. Although he was once cured, this ultimately lead to his death in 1725.
  • Statue of Peter

    Statue of Peter
    Commissioned by Catherine II, a statue of Peter riding his horse and his arm stretched out toward the Neva River was built by Etienne Maurice Falconet. It's still one of the most famous symbols in St. Petersburg today.
  • Peter der Große Film

    Peter der Große Film
    Directed by Dimitri Buchowetzki, a silent film about Peter was made, with Emil Jannings playing Peter.
  • Pëtr I Novel

    Pëtr I Novel
    A biographical historical novel about Peter was written by Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy.