Peter the Great of Russia

  • Peter Starts Ruling

    Peter co-ruled with his half-brother, Ivan. Because the Streltsy movement was in effect, Peter was required to share the throne.
  • Marriage to Eudoxia

    Marriage to Eudoxia
    At age 17, Peter marries Eudoxia, who was full of beauty but lacks intelligence and ambition. This marriage did not last long.
  • Peter comes to Absolute Power

    Peter comes to Absolute Power
    Peter originally ruled with his half brother, until he overthrew him and took the throne for himself in 1696, ruling absolutely.
  • The "Grand Embassy"

    Peter embarks on the "Grand Embassy", a long, but worthwhile trip to western Europe. Here, Peter observed and learned about European technology that he wanted to bring back and introduce to Europe.
  • Peter Institutes the Beard Tax

    As strange as it sounds, Peter required that all men shave their facial hair. To him, beards symbolized everything wrong with his country. But to the men in his army, mainly European officers, believed they symbolized Christianity and manhood. This was very controversial, many were horrified by this demand.
  • Forming Russia's Army

    Forming Russia's Army
    Peter the Great forms Russia's first Army.This army consisted of European officers, whom he hired, and Russians.
  • Establishment of St. Petersburg

    Establishment of St. Petersburg
    Peter began building his ideal vision of a city on Swedish property, which Russian troops took over. He installed his dream seaport which eventually became very popular, hosting many arrivals and departures. The unsanitary environment killed 25,000-100,000 people
  • Marriage to Catherine I

    Marriage to Catherine I
    After divorcing Eudoxia, Peter moves on to empress Catherine I. She delivered Peter's eleven children, few of which survived to adulthood.
  • Peter Petrovich dies

    At only the age of 4, Peter Petrovich dies, leaving no heir to take the throne after Peter, as he was his last son. This cut Peter the Great's legacy short.