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Peter the Great

  • Peters Birth

    Peters Birth
    He was born in Moscow, Russia under the name of Pytor Alekseyevich
  • Peter and Ivans Ruling

    When Peter reached the age of 10, im and Ivan ruled together
  • Sole Ruler of Russia

    Peter was 24 years old when he became sole ruler of Russia
  • Grand Embassy

    Peter embarked on the Grand Embassy, a long visit to western Europe
  • Westernization

    Peter introduced potatoes, which became a staple of the Russian diet, he raised women's status by having them attend social gathering, he also advanced education
  • Rebellion of the Streltsy

    Rebellion of the Streltsy
    Peter took a trip back to Russia to conquer a rebellion, but he found out that his army already took care of the situation
  • Northern War

    Northern War
    Peter the Great wanted to gain territory in the Baltic States, this began the Great Northern War
  • St. Petersburg

    St. Petersburg
    Peter started to began to build a new city on Swedish lands called St. Petersburg
  • Medieval Times

    Peter the Great dragged Russia out of the medieval times to such an extent that by his death, Russia was considered a leading eastern European state
  • Battle of Lesnaya

    The Battle of Lesnaya, was one of the battles that took place at the time of the Great Northern War. It took place on September 28, between a Russian army commanded by Peter the Great
  • Swedish Army

    Swedish Army
    In 1709 Peter defeated the Swedish Army
  • Peter the Greats Marriage

    Peter lived with her wife since 1703, he married her publicaly in 1712
  • Proclaming Russia as an Empire

    In 1721 Peter proclaimed Russia as an empire
  • Peters Death

    Peters cause of death was gangrene