Peter The Great

  • Birth

    Peter the Great was born on this date in Moscow, Russia to his parents, Father Alexis of Russia and his mother Nataliya Naryshkina.
  • Peter Begins his rule over Russia

    On May 7th 1682 Peter becomes Co-ruler of Russia with his half brother Ivan V after the passing of Feodor III and a brief uprising of The Streltsy. The Streltsy movement demanded that Ivan V to co-rule with Peter.
  • Peter Rules Alone

    Peter the Great half brother Ivan V dies and Peter is now able to rule alone with no tension from Tsar Alexis other children/family line
  • Visits Europe

    In 1697 Peter made his famous trip to westernizing Europe in hopes to win the aid of the European Merchants.
  • The Great Northern War

    The great Northern War (1700-1721) begins between Russia and Sweden.
  • St. Petersburg founded

    Peter the Great starts the construction of his new city of St Peters burg.
  • Peter's son Aleksei dies

    Distrustful of his own son, Peter undertook an investigation into his fears that his son, Aleksei, was involved with his court opponets.
  • Peters Rule comes to an end.

    On a cold winter day the great Tsar of Russian passes away after a long battle with many health issues. Peter dies, leaving an uncertain succession of his throne.