Peter the Great

  • Peter the Great was born

    Peter the Great was born
    Peter Alekseyevich Romanov, or Peter the Great was born on June 9th 1672. He was the 14th child born in his family. Peter was said to be in the best health of all his siblings and was always happy.(Editors,
  • Beginning of the King Philip's War

    Beginning of the King Philip's War
    King Philip's War was one of the most important parts of early American history. If the colonists had lost the war then the colonists never would have been able to colonize America. (
  • Peter's Father dies

    Peter's Father dies
    Peter the greats father also known as Alexis of Russia became ill and passed away from a heart attack at age 46 in 1676. Peter was not next to the throne, Aleksey Mikhaylovich took his place until 1682.(
  • Ivan V put to power

    Ivan V put to power
    Ivan V was put into power at age 1682, and his younger half bother Peter I or Peter The Great was 2nd in power. Together they ruled Russia as a joined power, but Ivan was older and was called "Czar".(, Editors)
  • Louis XIV starts to build Versailles

    Louis XIV starts to build Versailles
    Versailles was built in France in 1682. The Palace was said to cost over 2 billion USD! It was built for Louis XIV and his family to live in luxury, and was used by other royal families in the future like Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. (Versailles,
  • Issac Newton shared his theory about gravity

    Issac Newton shared his theory about gravity
    During Peter The Great's time, Issac Newton discovered and explained his theory to the world about how tides work and how gravity works, which was a huge step in science. (Bernard Grun)
  • Ivan V dies, and Peter becomes Czar of Russia

    Ivan V dies, and Peter becomes Czar of Russia
    On February 8th, Ivan V died. Peter the Great was put into power over Russia as Czar. Peter then started doing Great for Russia, For example The Grand Embassy, and improving Russia as a nation.(Editors,
  • Peter the Great leaves on Grand Emabssy

    Peter the Great leaves on Grand Emabssy
    On March 9th, 1697 Peter the Great went out on a trip to Western Europe. This trip was called the Grand Embassy. The Grand Embassy lasted for one year. On the trip, Peter learned about West Europe and studied how they lived. Peter then took their ideas and brought them back to Russia, and began the process of Westernization. (Editors,
  • Peter the Great gets back from Grand Embassy

    Peter the Great gets back from Grand Embassy
    On April 22, 1698 Peter the Great got back from his trip to Europe. When he got back he brought all sorts of new ideas to Russia. He brought the newspaper, a strong navy, and gave the church's more power. (Editors,
  • The Great Northern War started

    The Great Northern War started
    In February 1700, The Great Northern War started. Peter's first goal of the was was to gain control of the Baltic Sea and to start building his city, St. Petersburg. The major battle ended quickly and 3 years later, Peter started to build St. Petersburg. (
  • The War of spanish Succession

    The War of spanish Succession
    The War of spanish succession was triggered by the death of childless Charles II. When he was killed people began to panic because he didn't have an heir. Louis XIV was leader of France at the time and played a big role in the havoc. (
  • St. Petersburg was established

    St. Petersburg was established
    On March 27th, 1703 St. Petersburg was founded. It was built on the Baltic Sea as a sea port. Peter was so happy with it he made it the new capital of Russia. (Editors,
  • Benjamin Franklin was born

    Benjamin Franklin was born
    In 1706, Benjamin franklin was born. Benjamin Franklin was one of the most important men in history. Benjamin was the man who discovered electricity, which changed the world. (
  • Great Britain was formed

    Great Britain was formed
    The united kingdom of great britain was formed as a nation in 1707. The UK of Great Britain was one of the biggest Kingdoms in history. At one point it was the most powerful kingdom in the world, and would be an ally of russia in the future. (
  • Peter falls ill

    Peter falls ill
    While in St. Petersburg, Peter fell ill with gangrene (dead tissue infection) in his urinary tract which caused major blockage. He had an operation and they removed the blockage, but he never truly recovered from the surgery. He suffered during his rule for the next two years. ( and (Editors,
  • Peter the Great dies

    Peter the Great dies
    On February 8th, Peter the Great died. He died in St. Petersburg due to his gangrene in his urinary tract. During his rule Peter brought so many new things and ideas to Russia and made it stronger than ever. ( and (Editors,