Personality Timeline

  • Brothers

    I have two older brothers, Ali, 23, and Abdulla,18. They always have my back and spoil me. I am thankful for them.
  • Birth

    I was born on August 10, 2000. I am the only daughter and the middle child.
  • Sibling's Birth

    Sibling's Birth
    Nasser was born at January 9, 2005. I was in love with him and I had an obsession about him. I became overprotective over him.
  • Role Model

    Role Model
    I have been a fan of Selena Gomez since she became famous. I look up to her in many things. I take her as one of my top 3 role models.
  • Hijab

    I wore the Hijab the day after my 9th birthday. That day I became mature and self-dependent. My Nana was the one who put on my first Hijab.
  • Cousin

    At 2010, my cousin Ali was diagnosed with cancer, he still today takes chemotherapy. After that I became scared of diseases and that's when I became stressed.
  • ISIS

    ISIS shaped Islam to the view of others in a bad way. That affected me because I was viewed as a terrorist. Even though, Islam bans violence and ISIS aren't Muslims.
  • Relationship

    On 2015, I was in my first relationship. He is at the same grade as I am. He goes to MKS, He made me feel confident and beautiful.
  • Clowns

    I have a phobia from clowns. When the clown appeared all around the world killing people, it made my fear increase.
  • Baby Cousin

    My cousin was born at January 25, 2016.When her mother wasn't around I took care of her. Basically, that makes me her second mom =)). Because of that people depended on me.
  • Death of Nana

    Death of Nana
    My nana passed away this year, on February 23, 2016. She is one of the most important people to me. After her death I became quiet and isolated.
  • Breaking up

    We broke up a month to our first year anniversary. I am still not over it. Rumors got between us. This broke my heart and made me lose my self-confidence.