My day of birth (1)
this day my grandmother was moving into her new house and then she got a phone call to come to the hospital to see her new grandson. on the same day my other grandmother was having her 52nd birthday and she got a phone call from my mom say that she had a great birthday present for her. -
My normality fails (2)
When I was born I had pancreatitis (pank-re-a-ty-tis) and so I wasn't aloud to eat or it might have messed up my body and so I had tubes stuck in me to feed me directly to the stomach so they could operate if they so needed to. I was sure to die from it because of how small a chance I had to live but i did live and thats how I got here today to be typing this timeline today. -
Period: to
my life
My third birthday (3)
My third birthday was inportant to me be cause it would be my last birthday I would spend being on watch from the hospital. -
Piercings (4)
Around march 15th when I was three I was at our barn and I knocked over a bee hive and I ended up with about 8 holes from the bees on each of my ears. -
My friend (5)
Just before the first day of school I walk outside and I see a kid named mario garcia who now is my best friend. We hung out and did whatever we felt like doing that whole day, and than for the next few years. -
My transfer (6)
Just before winter break of my third grade year I was told that I was getting transfered to an other school so they could try to get me to pay attention in class and not goof off but that didn't need to happen because I could control myself as much as I wanted they just needed to tell me to stop but instead they just tried to help in weird ways that never helpped and just made me look wierd and awkward to everyone like their was something wrong with me. all it did was make me feel depressed. -
My arrival (7)
On the first day of my school I sat down with a girl named brandy. who i'm now great friends with today she asked me if I was on the wrong bus and I told her I wasn't and why and from that bus ride and for the next years to come all the way to high school and beond we talked everyday. On the bus, texting when we got home, if we had a class together we would talk then, any chance we got we would spend it together. i did meet a few other friends like blake or austin or a guy named preston. -
Death (8)
On march 11th 2010 we had the funeral for my grandmother. It was bad, my brother never cries and even he cried but I didn't, I never once cried felt sad or even felt bad for the people that knew her better than me. I do know looking back on it that it was sad and I was really close to my grandmother almost as close to her as was my mom. I never ever cried I just stood there and watched as everyone fell apart, like I wasn't even there. I only feel bad for every one else. -
Preston. (9)
My friend preston around the end of sixth grade found out that his parents were going to get a divorce and he would be moving with his dad and won't be going to holly anymore. every day we would go out into the hallway and i'd let him vent out any thing he needed to and since only a few years before my parents got divorced and so i could undersatnd what he was going through and i knew what to do to help him. I would say no matter what happens i know that he'll always have a friend that cares. -
Horse (10)
In mid august my horse named Charlie Brown died. me and my brother didn't want to ride horses anymore, my brother wouldn't even go to our barn anymore. one of the other horses in the pasture with Charlie. The horse chased him through the fence and messed up his front legs to the point he couldn't bare it anymore and we had to put him down. He was an amazing horse and everyone that rode him or even knew who he was loved him. now every year at the 4-H Fair we give out an award in his honor. -
school (11)
First day of middle school after about five years I can finally talk more with my friends from my first elementry school. It was nice to talk to them again as well as I made some new friends too. as well as I could talk to my old friend mario again inside of school during passing time. Except it didnt last long. -
Ouch (12)
One weekend I went up north to our cabin (note it's accually a house but we call it a cabin so it's not confusing.) and I had to help my mom rake up leafs out of the front yard and she kept burying the trash can we were using to pile the leaves in one spot and so I went to pull it one time and it fell on my leg and it didn't hurt that much but what we didn't know was that the was a poisonous spider (most likely a brown recluse) and so next day my leg was itchy. -
Ouch (continued)
Later that week my leg hurt alot and my mom decided that she wanted to look at it and their was a hole in my leg and it didn't look like it was just something stabing me there. and so my mom looked it up to see what it could be. At first she thought it was a type of worm but that wasn't it because it was too cold for them so she thought it was a spider bite and when she took me to the doctor she was right. but we found it too early for a perfect match but eventually we fixed it all up. -
school is out (13)
Finally middle school was over and I was all better with evrything that happened those years but it is sad that the class of 2018 never went to sherman at all. -
High school (14)
My first day of High school was pretty cool hanging out with my friends again and the classes are pretty fun as well. Now every day I wake up early to take care of horses in the morning then getting ready for school. -
Homecoming (15)
I did go to homecoming although I didn't go with some one I did hang out with all my friends that did go as well as make some new ones. It was very fun and I will gladly do it again.