Personal Timeline Jose Hernandez

  • Birth

    I was born in Tampa bay, Florida on July 18th at around 2 in the morning, by C-section
  • Moving to Monticello NY

    I lived in Florida for about 3 years after birth which then we moved to (Location unknown) then a friend of my mom's let us move into their apartment complex in sleepy hollow Monticello New York(I would live their for about 7 years)
  • Elementary School

    This was the year that I first started elementary school (and the school system in general).
  • Moving down the road

    We moved out of my moms friends apartment and moved in with our stepdad who she had met at work (they worked together). The house we moved into was quite literally down the road, in walking distance from the old apartment
  • Middle School

    This was the year that I started middle school (specifically the school in Fort Bragg, Shughart Middle).
  • Mets Stadium

    This was the day the day that (me and my brother at least) we went to the mets stadium and watched a game, it was really fun. (I still have a Jacob Degrom shirt I got when we went).
  • Wedding

    This was the day that my parents got married this was a great day (I'm not 100% sure on the year but I think it was 2016)
  • Military Basic Training

    I'm pretty sure this was the day that my dad graduated from airborne basic training (It was a really cool day)
  • Draper

    This was the day we got our first dog named draper who is a male German Shepard
  • Parker

    This (I think) was the year that we got or male golden retriever Parker
  • Cameron

    This was the year that we moved out of New York and into Carolina, specifically Fort Bragg
  • Yorktown

    This was the time that we also visited Yorktown a few days after ( I think) Jamestown during our family vacation.
  • Jamestown

    This was the day that our family along with (my) aunt, uncle, and three cousins went on a historical vacation in Virginia visiting cool places like Jamestown
  • Birdie

    We had another dog named birdie before Parker and she was a little less than sweet but we loved her. But on my birthday when my dad came home birdie had gotten out of the house and sadly killed a really small dog that belonged to a neighbor down the street and regretfully had to put her down the next day.
  • Covid

    When COVID was on its high and online schooling was still a thing my grades were on the low side because I found it really difficult to learn through a screen
  • High School

    This was the year that I started high school (entirely at West Cabarrus)
  • Disney

    I'm pretty sure this was the day we arrived at Florida for out vacation (Going to Disney for the first time)
  • Snow day

    The first time I've seen ( A REALISTIC) amount of snow in Carolina and enjoyed it with our dogs
  • Kayaking

    This was the first time (for me and my brother at least again) that we went kayaking and it was an awesome experience
  • Beta Club

    I got accepted into Beta Club Today!!!!(YAY)