personal timeline

  • personal timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
    on the year 2002 mounth 12 and day 24 i oscar rodriguez was born. my parents both tell me that they were both not expecting me to be coming out on christmas eve. so my dad went and explained everything to me. he said it was getting late and that he had to go run to the store real quick because he had forgot about my older brothers prensent. so he said that he was rushing home because everyone was gonna start he got home and my mom was waiting for them to go to the hospital
  • I started walking!!!!!

    I started walking!!!!!
    9 months later that i was already born i had started to walk so yea i was already walking at 9 mom said it was cool but at the same time weird because she has never seen such a short person i was already walking but i had a nephew that he still wasnt walking so there are pictures of me trying to lift him up
  • joined a soccer team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    joined a soccer team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i was about 4/5 years old when i started playing in my first soccer team.i remeber it was a saturday i was seating on the couch waiting for my dad to arrive from work because he had said we were gonna go buy a soccer ball. so when my dad arrives he says im home just let me shower first then we can i was waiting for him to get outta the shower. we get in the car he is driving to soccer santiago and the guy tells him you should make him join a soccer team he looks like hes good
  • bannana split?

    bannana split?
    i was in 3rd grade when we were working on a bannana split. a bannana split is technically a bannana that has any type of ice creasm you choose in top if it. for us we had to do multiplication taples in order to get our bannana and spoon and ice cream. so we were all working on our multiplication tables and i was the first one to get my ice cream and my Banana and my spoon and my bowl i was so excited, they called me up and my teacher ms Takushi said nice job Oscar.
  • got suspended for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    got suspended for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i was in 6th grade and it was the first time that i was gonna get suspended because i was playing gogos inside the restroom and we werent supose to be doing that especially during lunch time.
  • i went to mexico

    i went to mexico
    in the year 2014 was the first time i ever went to mexico. we had to go becaused my grandma had passed away and we had to go for an emergency thats why we went