personal timeline

  • born

    I was born on April 5th 2007 in Menora Medical hospital around 9:30 am
  • Elementary school graduation

    Elementary school graduation
    Picture of me and my bestfriend at 5th grade graduation
  • 12th birthday

    12th birthday
    I got my dog Rosie on my 12th birthday
  • 8th grade graduation field day

    8th grade graduation field day
  • First day of highschool

    First day of highschool
  • First day of college

    First day of college
  • High School graduation

    High School graduation
  • College graduation

    College graduation
  • law school graduation

    law school graduation
  • Wedding

  • What does the timeline tell about me?

    A lot of the major life events in my life have been school events. My favorite memory on the timeline was my 12th birthday because that's when I got my dog Rosie, that day was very memorable and my life would be very different without Rosie.
  • How flexible is my future?

    I wouldn't say my future is super flexible. I'm very sure I will graduate highschool and college but I am uncertain that I will be able to go to school in Florida and go to law school. There is a good chance I will stay in Kansas for the next 5 or so years.
  • How different would my life be if I don't go to law school

    I think I would be very upset if my dream of going to Law school didn't work out. I have wanted to be a lawyer since the beginning of highschool so that would be very unexpected. I think I would still try to find a good solid career path.