Personal timeline

  • 9/11

    The 9/11 attack by Osama bin Laden's Islamic extremist terrorists group, al Qaeda, against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, led to American President George W. Bush calling for and getting tougher tough security standards, including the TSA, the Transportation Security Administration and the USA Patriot Act, and then invading Afghanistan, to root out al Qaeda and stop the Taliban who were protecting the terrorists
  • The Euro

    The Euro
    It started in 1st January 1999, but wasn't really in use until 2002. It became the currency from 17 nations. It has been used until now and has grown to be the currency in every country in tn European Union.
  • Gulf War II

    Gulf War II
    After al Qaeda terrorists attacked the U.S. on 9/11, America and invaded Afghanistan to capture the terrorists and oust the Taliban, after which the U.S carried out a pre-emptive strike against Iraq, to find Weapons of Mass Destruction, WMDs, and in particular to stop Saddam Hussein from making nuclear weapons; but the war became an occupation and an insurgency rose up that was countered only when President George W. Bush ordered a troop surge to stop it.
  • Birth

    I was born in a hospital in Madrid, my family was there and my brother was really excited, my father even cried.
  • Mars research

    Mars research
    The NASA rovers Spirit and Curiosity land on Mars and begin their research. They learn that liquid water once existed on Mars.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans's levees and brought to attention America's failing infrastructure - highways, bridges, roads, dams, water supply, and the electrical grid - and the need for new sources of energy such as solar power and wind power.
  • iPhone

    Apple releases the first iPhone, which was a huge impact for our society now and it had many features that had never been seen before.
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    Barack Obama was elected as the 44th president of the united states. He is the first african-american to reach this position. Loved by many, he created a whole new perspective due to his race.
  • Moving to another city

    Moving to another city
    When I was 6 my family and I moved to Zaragoza, which is a bit in the north and is a city in the community of Aragon. It was due to my dad's job and we all had a great time there, even though my brother didn't like the idea for a while. This was really important to me because I met many people I still love and it made me more responsible and independent.
  • First time skiing

    First time skiing
    Since we were really close to the Pyrenees, we decided to try skiing and I've never stopped since. My brother and I used to race and I have to admit he was really good at it. We go back every winter. The way this changed my point of view on winter sports was amazing. It made me prefer the winter olympics rather than the summer ones and even got me into ice skating, which I love but I'm not very good at.
  • World Cup

    World Cup
    I watched it with my whole family and I remember we were against The Netherlands, we were anxious because we were about to end at 0-0 but then Iniesta in the minute 116, which is pretty amazing, a normal match is usually 90-95 minutes long. We celebrated and started partying with everyone who wanted to join. It was nice to feel the passion of everyone rooting for their country.
  • Getting my turtle

    Getting my turtle
    When I was 7 I had a kind of cute obsession with turtles, so my parents decided to surprise me with a baby turtle, we've been best friends since. Her name is Lila and is now living with my grandparents in Madrid. I remember this with a lot of love because it was my moment to show how responsible I was, also I was just really excited because I finally had my pet! I love her and I miss her running around the house.
  • Haiti earthquake

    Haiti earthquake
    A giant earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hits Haiti, killing 200,000 people and destroying a lot of the country.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    Steve Jobs, the visionary and Apple founder passed away. Touched many people's hearts since his recognition due to his incredible talent made more than one question themselves what was going to be the future of Apple.
  • Moving to another city, again.

    Moving to another city, again.
    When I was 9 we moved to the city I live now, a city in La Rioja. I honestly love my city and my life there. It's not a very big city but it's very lively and pretty, I wouldn't change anything about it.
  • Washington and Colorado legalize marijuana

    Washington and Colorado legalize marijuana
    Chapter five discusses the groundbreaking legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington.
  • First day in high school (Spain)

    First day in high school (Spain)
    I was 12 and I was actually scared because it's a really big change. There we do start earlier than here and I think it makes the kids mature earlier too which is great. It made me much more responsible and independent.
  • My first concert

    My first concert
    My first concert was in my city in Spain and the singer was Pablo Alboran, who is my favorite singer. I sang and danced and I had so much fun, it was amazing.
  • Coming to America

    Coming to America
    It was my first time ever out of Europe and I was so excited to finally come here. I stayed in Pennsylvania for 10 days and it was amazing.
  • First day of high school (America)

    First day of high school (America)
    I was actually excited to begin, even though we start classes much later in Spain I was still okay with it. It's so different and I think it's fine so far, it's just tiring speaking English all the time.