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Personal Timeline

  • Born in Cambridge, ON

    Born in Cambridge, ON
    Terms: life event
    -started life in my hometown and where I have lived since
  • Started School

    Started School
    Terms: life event, social institution, social norm
    -started my education process
    -helped me learn and grow as an individual
  • Moved across town, new school

    Moved across town, new school
    Terms: social institution, transition
    -moved into a different environment and living with my grandparents
    -left behind old friends and made new ones, making me more social
  • My First Job - African Lion Safari

    My First Job - African Lion Safari
    Terms: life event, transition, status, social institution, social norm
    - learned how to work in a job environment
    - new role for me and taught me proper work ethics for the future
  • Parents Separated

    Parents Separated
    Terms: life event
    - living with only one parent all the time(except occasional nights)
    - having to get used to parents being apart
    - having to be an adult and help take care of my siblings
  • Got My Drivers License

    Got My Drivers License
    Terms: transition, social norm
    - learning to drive
    - learn the ways of my car and how to get around places
  • Started dating my boyfriend

    Started dating my boyfriend
    Terms: cohort, status
    - helped shape me into a better person
    - met new people and created a 'second family'(me to his family, and him to mine)
  • First Car

    First Car
    Terms: transition, social norm
    - will help me start my life and job
    - gives me more freedom
  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
    Terms: cohort, status, life event, social institution, role set, social norm
    - end of my schooling
    - advancing to the rest of my life and college or a career
  • Moving Into My Own Place

    Moving Into My Own Place
    Terms: transition, social norm
    - moving out of my moms/grandparents house and into my own with a friend or by myself
  • Schooling For My Career

    Schooling For My Career
    Terms: status, social institution, social norm
    -learning about the line work I will be in
    - college or work based education about my form of work