Personal Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born to Mike and Sarah Wasmer on this date. I was born via a Caesarean section, as my mom's last child was going to be a breach baby.
  • First Memory

    First Memory
    This is the first memory I can consciously remember, my third birthday. I remember rushing downstairs and just accepting that I was alive or something, I guess. There was a dinosaur balloon.
  • Grandfather's Passing

    Around this time my Grandfather passed away, this greatly impacted my perception on life as a whole, as I had never had someone close to me die until this point.
  • Met Friends

    This was around the time that I made most of the friends that I am with at the day of making this.
  • 18th Birthday

    I turned 18 this day, legally becoming an adult. A very major shift in the course of one's life.
  • Attend College

    Attend College
    I plan on attending college, to try and figure out what I will do with my life.
  • Teach English

    My tentative plan for life after college is to teach high school english literature.
  • Write a Book

    Write a Book
    Sometime in my adult life, I would like to write a novel. Exactly what about I do not know yet.
  • Get Married?

    I don't know if this'll happen just kind of figured it might.
  • My Death

    My Death
    Assuming I live this long, like everyone, I will die.