Personal Timeline

  • My first dog died

    I don't remember much of this but I do remember it was pretty sad. I loved the dog a lot. It was a puppy and that made it worse. I didn't completely understand it at the time but it was still pretty sad.
  • I moved in with my grandparents.

    My grandparents had us move in with them. It was my brother, sister, and I. If they hadn't I'm not sure where I would've lived. I am incredibly grateful to them for doing that.
  • Meeting family for the first time

    I went to Texas and met a lot of extended family for the first time. They were all incredibly nice. I didn't realize I had so much family before that. For the past few years since then, we've taken family trips down to see some of them at least once every year.
  • My sister moved away

  • Younger cousin was born

    I went to Texas to see my aunt after she gave birth. I didn't know them incredibly well but it was still nice to see them. I met my younger cousin for the first time. I got to see a newborn for the first time. They offered to let me hold her but I refused.
  • Sister visited

  • My great grandfather died

    I went to Texas the night my great grandfather died. We stayed for a couple of weeks until the funeral and then we came back. I never got to know him before he died.
  • Started playing the flute

  • I met my current friends

  • My family got a bengal cat