My Birth
I was born March 3, 2002. I was the first child. I was born in Charlotte. I am currently 14 and am a freshman in High School. -
Birth of my sister
My sister was born June 30, 2004. She was the second child. Born in Charlotte. She is currently 12 and in 7th grade Middle school. -
My first fish
I caught my first fish a black mouth bass when I went up north to Virginia with my grandpa. I do not remember where but we had stopped a long the way and we got out and we fished for a while and I didn't catch anything up until the end which was the black bass. -
Middle school
I started middle school at Mount Holly Middle School. I had Mrs. Bell, Mrs Van Der meid (might be spelled wrong), and Mrs. Styka as my main subjects Math honors, English honors, and Science/Social studies. -
Orlando shooting
49 people killed with 53 others had been injured at the Pulse nightclub by Omar Mateen and 29 year old security guard. It was considered a hate crime against the gay rights community and also an act of terrorism because Omar had pledged allegiance to ISIS. -
The Brexit
The UK left the European Union. Brexit is a combination of the two words Britain and exit. It was a close vote of 52% to 48% in favor of leaving. -
Pokemon Go
One of the biggest mobile games was released Pokemon Go. Niantic made around $233 million so far and are expected to end up around $3 billion. -
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Delta Aquarid meteor shower
The Delta Aquarid meteor shower starts around late July around the 28th or 29th and goes on until as late as august 23rd. It is a beautiful light show in the night sky. This was also the first meteor shower I have ever seen and it sets the standards high for the next one. -
High school
I started East Gaston High School. In my first semester I only have 1 main class which is Kaufman who teaches Math 2 honors. -
Presidential election
Possibly the worst presidential election ever? The two final candidates are Hillary Clinton (Democratic), and Donald Trump (Republican). Do we really trust either of them with the welfare of our country?