
Personal Timeline

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    This was a big Life Event for me as this was the day I was born to this world. From this day I started my responsibility as a human on this earth and had to abide by the Norms that were set out for me.
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
    This was my first day at elementary school. I started as a half-day student in Junior Kindergarten. This would've been my first time in a Social institution where I now had Social norms to follow. The social institution would've been one of a Educational level.
  • Summer Vacation

    Summer Vacation
    During the summer my family and I Traveled to Manitoulin Island. Here my family and I joined a cohort of her friends to engage in activities and partake in their roles that they had to do on a daily basis.
  • Period: to


    During these months i participated on my schools Basketball team. We did many early morning practices and had many role conflicts as we had to do school assignments as well as keep up with the sport.
  • Graduation

    At this point in my life i graduated grade 8 with honours as well as several medals and valedictorian of my class. These roles gave me a high status in our graduating class as I was responsible for doing a speech for our graduation.
  • First Job

    First Job
    This was the day I got my first job. This is when I transitioned from a child to a working person.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    This day, my cohorts and I will graduate from the high school, the social institution we have been in for 4 years. After this, I will transition into and adult.