Personal Timeline

  • Moving to another Country

    Moving to another Country
    Moving to California from Mexico was a little hard for me but managed to learn a lot of new things and meet new people as well.
  • #Unexpectedday

    My unexpected day was when me and a couple of other friends walked home from the movie theaters. Yes, this happened and we walked for like 2 hours and it was midnight, but it was awesome.
  • Las Vegas Roadtrip

    Las Vegas Roadtrip
    Going to Vegas for the first time was so much fun, for not being 18 years old, i still managed to have fun with my friends.
  • #Prom2K16

    Prom was so much fun because i got to spent the last dance with some of my senior friends. And i cant wait for next years prom.
  • Best Friend Surprise Party

    Best Friend Surprise Party
    This day was one of the most memorable day for me and my best friends because we got to surprise one of mt best friends and she was not expecting it.