Personal Timeline AP Pysch

By omhaase
  • Birth

  • Move To Kansas

    Move To Kansas
  • Finish Elementary School

    Finish Elementary School
  • Graduating Middle School

    Graduating Middle School
  • Able To Drive

    Able To Drive
  • Graduate Highschool

    Graduate Highschool
  • Graduate College First Time

    Graduate College First Time
  • Finish Med School

    Finish Med School
  • Get First Job

    Get First Job
  • Buy First House

    Buy First House
  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    What does your timeline tell you about yourself? This Timeline helps give me a vision of who I want to become. Of course, I always planned on going to college but Med School is a long hard time at college that takes dedication. This timeline shows me that I want to be a hard worker and someone proud of their success in the future.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line? If I were to change something about my life it could alter everything. I currently have myself going to college for a long time to complete med school while I could have already had my first house by the time I finish college. Or if I never graduate highschool that eliminates the possibility of me even going to college.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?

    How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be? My future doesn't seem insanely flexible because to get where I want with the job requires a long period in college. If I were to not go to college for med school or not at all there is a chance I could still buy my first house though. It just might be at a different time or different quality. My future seems to be fixed in this scenario