Personal Timeline - AP Psychology

  • Being born

    Being born
    On June 8, 2006 I was born in Wheaton Illinois into a family of my mom, dad, oldest sister and older brother.
  • Moving to Costa Rica

    Moving to Costa Rica
    After third grade, my family moved to the Dominican Republic. This was the biggest change in my life so far and where I experienced lots of culture shock and change in my lifestyle.
  • Getting my dog Scout

    Getting my dog Scout
    Scout has been an amazing pet and my life would not be the same without him
  • Moving to Kansas City

    Moving to Kansas City
    Moving to Kansas City has shaped my highschool career and influenced the rest of my life decisions
  • Going to state

    Going to state
    Not only becoming a varsity soccer player, but going to state is a huge achievement that I will always cherish because of the great team that I had and the friends I had on the team.
  • Graduating Highschool

    Graduating Highschool
    This will be one of the most important achievements in my education career. Finishing highschool is the end of 12 years of learning.
  • Playing College Soccer

    Playing College Soccer
    I hope to play college soccer while attending a university to learn and do a sport that I enjoy
  • Getting married

    Getting married
    Getting married will be on of the most important days of my life.
  • Having a family

    Having a family
    Having a family will be a great accomplishment and I look forward to it one day.
  • Becoming an Engineer

    Becoming an Engineer
    I hope to be a successful engineer one day and have a good career in this profession
  • Question 1

    What does your time line tell you about yourself?
    It tells me that I value soccer a lot it is an important part of my life. I also know that my education will play a crucial role in my life for me to get where I want in life. I also hope to have a good family because it will be the most important aspect of my life as an adult, and something that I am planning for.
  • Question 2

    How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?
    If I could have change something on my timeline, I probably wouldn't have moved countries. However, this would change my perspective on life and limit my life experiences. I might also not play soccer because I started playing it in Costa Rica, so all of my interests might be different.
  • Question 3

    How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?
    My future seems very flexible because all the dates I put are simple guesses and estimates as to when the things might happen. Also, the order of the events could definitely change and things like my profession could switch at any time. So overall, my future is extremely flexible, but I still will probably have a family.