Personal Timeline AP Psych

  • First day of pre-school

    First day of pre-school
    This is an important event in my life because it signified which attachment style I obtain (anxious). I had a difficult time leaving my mom at first, but then I was okay and I made friends.
  • My best friends at the end of elementary

    My best friends at the end of elementary
    During elementary school my neighbors and I would always play outside together. But especially towards the end of elementary, they were my best friends and I made my favorite childhood memories with them. We made clubhouses, played pretend, explored the woods, had sleepovers, and so much more.
  • Volleyball

    I started playing volleyball in 5th grade and I played until my senior year of high school. It really shaped me as an individual by teaching me the importance of sportsmanship, determination, perseverance, and being a leader. I've made some of my best friends through this sport and it has given me the best memories along with a lot of life lessons.
  • Quarantine/Hybrid school

    Quarantine/Hybrid school
    Quarantining due to Covid was a very significant moment in my life. Online school was very easy, but it was lonely. I had to be creative and interact with my friends in other ways like over facetime or video games! Hybrid school caused so much anxiety because none of us had interacted in person for so long it took a while to get comfortable again.
  • KCAC

    I auditioned for a national champion award-winning a capella group in May of 2022 and made it in! I've made some of my best friends in my time of being in KCAC and it's some of my best high school memories. This group has offered me many opportunities such as performing at the Plaza Lighting Ceremony twice, competing in quarterfinals in Missouri and semifinals in Ohio, and other miscellaneous performances.
  • Graduation of BVSW

    Graduation of BVSW
    I think this will be an important moment in my life because I get to put an entire chapter of my life behind me and start a new one. I have made so many good memories in high school thus far and I can't wait to finish it out with the people I love.
  • Attending KU

    Attending KU
    I plan to attend KU in the fall of 2024. I think I'll be very nervous on move in today to leave my family and get a taste of what living on my own feels like. I hope to be living in a four person suite in Downs dorms and make it into Alpha Chi Omega!
  • First real job

    First real job
    I think I will get a job as a psychologist out of college because I believe it is my passion to help other and I've always been interested in psychology!
  • Marriage

    I hope to be married around/before the age of 25 years old. I'm not sure if my husband will be the person I'm with now, someone I meet in college, or potentially someone I meet after college. Either way, I can feel that marriage is in my future.
  • First child

    First child
    I can't wait to have my own kids some day and I've always looked forward to being a mom since I was little. I hope to have 3 kids and at least one of them being a girl!
  • What does my timeline tell me about myself?

    My timeline tells me that I have lived a wonderful life so far. Even though I didn't include hardships in this timeline, I have so many great memories and key events in my life that I get to speak on. In my timeline, I wrote in what my "ideal future would look like and I think it shows me that I have many goals, but I think they're attainable for me.
  • Would I be different if things were changed?

    I think I would be very different without my defining moments. If I could have changed one or two events in my life then it would've taken away important experiences that shaped me into who I am today. This is especially true for hardships that I did not share in my personal timeline because I wanted it to be light-hearted. Without those hard times, I would have an entirely different outlook on the importance of family, resilience, and trust/mistrust.
  • Flexible or fixed future?

    I am not a very flexible person but I do not expect my future to be as cut and dry as I put in my timeline. If everything goes exactly the way I hope, then my future looks pretty perfect to me. However, life is not that easy and I'm sure I'll have to come across some challenges to get to where I want to be in life. I will be fine either way but right now, my timeline seems pretty fixed to me.