Personal Timeline

  • Day I Came Out My Mom

    Day I Came Out My Mom
    I was born in an now non existing Hospital. I was born jaundice and i was put under a light.
  • Making My First Friend

    Making My First Friend
    In elementary I made a friend by getting into a little fight about what sport to play. Then since then we would hang out and play basketball together
  • Having a Little Sister

    Having a Little Sister
    My mom went into labor and we went to the Hospital with my gma. Me and my brother were eating cheetos while watching spongebob.
  • Moving Houses

    Moving Houses
    My mom got into an accident that made us not be able to pay rent at our house, we had to move in with our aunt untill my mom could get back in her feet.
  • Moving to Garden Grove

    Moving to Garden Grove
    I had to move schools and make new friends. I also had to catch up because the learning material was ahead than old school.
  • Commencement

    I left middle school and then started football that summer
  • Football season

    Football season
    We had a great season we went 9-1. We were league champs. We beat Garden Grove HS 15-0. The only school we lost to was LQ because Refs said time was over when we were told their was 13 seconds left, during that time we scored to win the game.
  • Going to prom freshman year

    Going to prom freshman year
    As a freshman i went to prom with the Varsity football team, I was able to hang out with a bunch of older people, i was the only one that went from my freshman class
  • Sophomore year football

    Sophomore year football
    Another great season we went 9-1. We outplayed most of our opponents. We lost to grove 15-0 but we beat LQ.
  • Getting my first job

    Getting my first job
    I worked at a Hotel for a weekend. The manager had me cleaning the hotel both days i worked. Then i was fired because of my age, i made $200 in two days so i didnt really care about getting fired
  • Junior Year Football season

    Junior Year Football season
    I played both JV and Varsity in our JV game we lost, then the varsity game we won. we did not make playoffs for the first time in 9 years
  • First time getting injured

    First time getting injured
    My first Injury happend to be me tearing my ACL and MCL. IT was first game of season.
  • Going to Mexico for the first time

    Going to Mexico for the first time
    My first time ever traveling and going outside of Orange county was my visit to mexico, i visited my grandparents and ate some bomb tacos there.
  • Getting surgery

    Getting surgery
    My first surgery was a Cadaver Graft of my ACL, i was afraid because it was the first time getting injured and first time ever having surgery
  • Dissapointing My Mom

    Dissapointing My Mom
    On Thursday i went to the bathroom when i saw a friend smoking, I pulled out my pen gave it to him then an Aid teacher walked in and told the AP, then i got called to office they told my mom. Later that day she told me that i was better than that and that she was disappointed in me