Personal Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in Hot Springs and flew it Little Rock in a helicopter. I wasn't breathing when I was born and the reason why is actually pretty funny. I was too lazy to breath.
  • Period: to

    My life

  • Aunt and Uncles Wedding

    When me and my brother were little we used to fight a lot. I was about 4 years old at my aunt and uncles wedding and I was the flower girl. It was on a big golf course and my brother was pushing me around and made me get grass stain all over me. Then as we were waiting for the ceremony to be over I was playing with the flowers left in my basket and got purple flower juice all over my hands and dress.
  • Moms Wedding

    My mom got remarried to my now step dad. Their wedding was pretty nice but the food was terrible. I also might of accidentally farted during the prayer so it wasn't that boring of a night. My grandma was mad at me but everyone else was laughing.
  • Parents Divorce

  • Moved to Murfeesboro

  • Joined Band

    I wasn't sure about joining band at first. I had been taking piano lessons for about a year already and was the first person in my family to be interested in music. My parents weren't sure about it either but now I'm marching in high school band and that was the best decision I ever made.
  • Ate a Macaron

    I had been wanting to try a macaron for about 2 years. I was obsessed with French pastries and I still am. Sweets are my favorite food and I finally got to have one at the end of the nutcracker that dance praize does every year.
  • Started Reading

    I read Harry Potter in 7th grade and it got me into reading. Now reading is one of my favorite things to do. I own at a total of 20-30 books and I've read about 12 of them.
  • Corona

    During the entire 6 month long quarantine all I did was read and watch Netflix. It was like a way too long summer break and it was very boring most of the time. I was really happy when summer band started because it finally got me out of the house and around new people.
  • Older Brother Left for College