Personal Timeline

  • Santa Monica

    Santa Monica
    The first time i went to Santa Monica was on February 14, I went with my cousins, friends and sister. Being able to go to a different city was really exciting we got to explore something different. The pier and arcades were really fun , The view of the beach was amazing!
  • Adam Nicholas Escobar

    Adam Nicholas Escobar
    Adam is my baby nephew who is still in the process of being born, I am super excited for his arrival. I'm sure he's going to be the cutest baby ever with green little eyes and curly hair. He's going to bring so much joy to the house and family .
  • Almos Camp Ground

    Almos Camp Ground
    The place I went to go camp had a really nice lake but very shallow with lots of sea weed which was disturbing. I enjoyed being able to spend time with my family and friends having a good time with lots of laughter . The weather was really cold , the view of the star was amazing . The sky looked like a milky-way from up close just enjoying nature.
  • Hollywood

    My trip to Hollywood was really enthusiastic because it was my first time going this summer. I got to see the artist name called the walk of fame , being able to walk around the different stores . The street performances were pretty cool , taking pictures with different characters in the streets . To end the night we had dinner at johnny's rocket!
  • Burbank

    My trip to Burbank was a long car ride , we drove about an hour. The reason we drove this far was for my MORPHE pallet (eyeshdow pallete) . I went on this trip with my sister and her boyfriend , the ride was very long but exciting because i was finally gonna get what i've been wanting .