Personal Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in a city near Atlanta Georgia where I lived for about two years with my mom, dad, and brother.
  • I started dance

    I started dance
    I started dance at the age of two. Later on, I began to participate in competitions starting at the age of five until now.
  • Disney World

    Disney World
    Going to Disney World was a yearly tradition in my family. It was one of my favorite places to go. My favorite ride was the spinning teacups.
  • Sister was born

    Sister was born
    In 2010, my other sister, Evie, was born. She has been my favorite sibling ever since.
  • First High School Football Game

    First High School Football Game
    In 2016, I was a freshman on the dance team. Some of my favorite memories are from Friday night football games on the track.
  • Graduation

    In May of 2020, I will have officially graduated high school! I have big plans for myself in the years following this event.
  • Medical School

    Medical School
    Hopefully, by 2024, I will be accepted into medical school where I will spend the next four years working very hard to achieve my goals.
  • Marriage

    I am hoping to get married soon after college. I don't know when exactly that time should be but I'm looking forward to it.
  • Becoming a Doctor

    Becoming a Doctor
    Since I am planning on going to medical school, if everything works out, I want to become a physician. Hopefully, after I complete my residency, I will find a successful and fun job.
  • Starting a Family

    Starting a Family
    Eventually, I will want to start a family. I've always had the idea of having three kids and two dogs.
  • Questions

    1. This timeline shows that I have a plan for my future and I am determined to be successful.
    2. My life would be very different if events like my sister being born did not occur. She has had a huge impact on my life especially because she is so much younger than me.
    3. My future doesn't seem too flexible because I know what I want to do but I need to manage my time flexibilly.