personal timeline

By 17sandy
  • Got hit with a metal baseball bat on my head

    Got hit with a metal baseball bat on my head
    When I was 7 years old My family and I were playing baseball and I remember that I did not want to play anymore so as I was walking they had thrown the ball to my dad and we he swung back he hit me on my head and I remember everything go black after the hit.
  • Moving to Texas

    Moving to Texas
    I had moved to Dallas, Texas when I was 12 years old. It was nice, but I didn't like being far from my childhood town and because I missed my family.
  • Moving Schools

    Moving Schools
    I went from being a student a Rancho Alamitos High School to becoming a student at Hare. And so far Hare has been an absolute big help by giving me a second chance.
  • Becoming a Mom

    Becoming a Mom
    At the age 16 I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Luis and now he is 8 months old.
  • accomplishing a goal

    accomplishing a goal
    My goal was to return just in time to my home school to graduate there and that is going to happen. I am super excited!! I shall be returning to my home school in February for second semester.