My Birthday
I was born on August 2nd, 2003. My parents were really happy because I am their first child but my grandmother (mom's side) was not happy at all because I am a girl. She is old tradition so she wanted my mom to have a son, not a daughter but my mom and dad were really happy. -
First day of school
I don't know the exact date but when I started school, I was three years old. I cried a lot and threw up on the first day but slowly over time, I started liking going to school. -
My brother's birth
On October 17 a little blessing came and changed my life. My brother is 3 years younger but is a very important part of me. We fight a lot but at the end of the day, we are always there for each other. He is just simply amazing and I can't imagine my life without him. -
First time I started learning how to swim.
I was six years old when I started learning how to swim. It was so hard in the beginning but my dad didn't let me give up and I finally learned swimming. Now, I am a very good swimmer. All credits goes to my parents. -
Moved to America
I was born and raised in India but on March 4, 2015, my family moved to America. It was hard at first because I didn't know English and I couldn't understand what anyone was saying but I slowly started understanding and things got better. -
Middle School Awards
Education has always been one of my priorities. I worked hard in middle school and at the end of eighth grade, I was awarded as the Best Science Student and eight quarters straight A's. My parents were so happy. I always want to make my parents proud of me. I have high goals in life that i will have to reach becuase I need to prove a lot of people wrong. -
Middle School Graduation
This was one of the most important days of my life. The first time I got graduated in my life. I was really happy that day. -
First day of high school
My first day of high school!!! I was scared at first but everyone was very supportive and helpful. All the teachers, classmates and seniors. -
Got my first phone
It was kind of hard to convince my parents to get me a phone but they finally agreed in October last year. I was happy. One of the important days of my life but I made a bad choice that day becuase I had to get Iphone X or samsung note 8 and I decided to get samsung whic turned out to be a horible choice but my dad agreed and I will be geting the new iphone that comes out this year. -
Family fight
I had a fight with my aunt in April. It was not my fault at all .It was all her fault. That day she came to our house and everything was really good until she said something to me that was very personal which technically ended her relation with me. She tried to apologize but I just no use. Then I realized how much my mom cared about me because later I told my mom everything and she fought with her own sister. After that event, I don't believe in relations anymore. It changed me a lot.