Personal Timeline

  • birth

    August 24 2006
  • first day of preschool

    first day of preschool
  • first time playing soccer (age 5)

    first time playing soccer (age 5)
  • first time going out of the country

    first time going out of the country
    Australia 2nd grade:)
  • first day of middle school

    first day of middle school
  • First day at BVSW (online because of covid)

    First day at BVSW (online because of covid)
  • graduation (future)

    graduation (future)
  • loving college at william and mary

    loving college at william and mary
  • backpacking the world

    backpacking the world
    all through asia and europe
  • Working in the peace corps

    Working in the peace corps
  • living in favorite country as behavioral economist

    living in favorite country as behavioral economist
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    This is a hard question for me because I'm not really sure. I think if my parents haven't encouraged me to take advantage of as many opportunities as they have I would be a very different person. Traveling the world as much as I have has helped define me as the person I am today. I think playing sports as well has helped me become a better person as well.
  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    reflection question- I think my timeline definitely shows my love for travel. I've been lucky to have a super happy childhood and go to so many places. You can see in the future how important it is for me to see as much of the world as possible.I want to join the peace corps as well and serve for a year out of college, and help people who weren't born with the same privileges I was:)
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?

    I think my future is very flexible. I am fortunate to have so many opportunities! I have a very good education and am lucky to be able to afford a college education. I hope to travel and live abroad, but only time will tell where I end up!
  • death by being too awesome

    death by being too awesome