personal timeline

  • first new jersey trip (pinky nail incident)

    first new jersey trip (pinky nail incident)
    I don't remember much of my first trip to New Jersey, however, there was one event that truly changed the trajectory of my life. My pinky nail got ripped off by a treadmill. All of my family was downstairs in the basement watching tv and I was playing with my stuffed animals on the treadmill and somehow it turned on (I am so sure it was my cousin (in the photo with me) who turned it on) when I went to grab my stuffed animal and it ripped off my pinky nail :D!
  • cousins visiting kc

    cousins visiting kc
    Before I started kindergarten, two of my cousins from New Jersey were able to visit us here in Kansas. It was such a fun experience and really helped us (me and my family) create a stronger relationship with them. They visited us during the summer so we would always go to the pool, go to the arboretum, and feed the ducks at the lake.
  • florida trip

    florida trip
    When I was younger, my family was extremely poor and we were never really allowed to splurge on stuff due to our situation. However, one year we finally had enough money where we could go visit our family in Florida. That trip left such a big impression on me because I was able to experience so many things with them. Dennys, Disney World, the beach, and swimming in a personal/private pool.
  • the kc renaissance festival

    the kc renaissance festival
    My dad always brought me and my siblings to the KC Renaissance Festival every year. It was always a thing I looked forward to because there were so many different events in one space; including dipping your hand in candle, henna, buying turkey legs, and witnessing the jousts. This specific year I got separated from my family twice in one day. The first time I found them immediately, but the second time I completely lost them and an emo teenager helped me find an authority figure.
  • kc zoo field trip

    kc zoo field trip
    When I was in second grade, our yearly field trip was to go to the Kansas City Zoo for the day. It was one of the only times where my mom was available to chaperone my group and I was super excited because that never happened. I had one other friend that joined my group and on the day of the field trip she was late, but she arrived right when we were about to leave the classroom to board the buses. It was such a fun experience, especially when we were able to enter the bird cage and feed them.
  • getting bangs

    getting bangs
    Getting bangs was a truly life changing moment. I had wanted them for so long and even had to cry at the dinner table in front of my dad in order for him to allow me to get them (laugh out loud). When I got them I felt reborn (exaggerated), but it truly was amazing and the girl who cut my bangs was so nice to me.
  • john travolta

    john travolta
    When I found this photo of John Travolta I fell to my knees. I knew him from his roles in Grease and Hairspray so when I saw this photo I was truly shocked. There were multiple photos I found of them that had me crying, gasping for air. I think it's the beard.
  • piggie dying

    piggie dying
    My sister got a pet guinea pig in either seventh or eighth grade and I named him Piggie. I originally wanted to name him spot because of the blonde patch on his butt, but my mom convinced me to name him Piggie Patch. He passed away in 2020 due to old age and for some reason during his funeral, I had my sister smile and take a photo before we buried him... You can literally see the shovel in the background.
  • my cousin's wedding

    my cousin's wedding
    My cousin's wedding helped me realize we were all growing up. I never truly realize time passing by until I'm presented with an event such as a birthday. This one truly hit me hard and it was genuinely such a fun night that I will never forget.
  • my first concert

    my first concert
    I had never been to a concert until this past summer when I went to go see Sarah Kinsley in New York. The commute was actually hell which consisted of me being harassed by a homeless person, seeing the counselor from Victorious, and seeing two disgustingly humongous subway rats. However, knowing my cousins were willing to go through all of that so I could feel a spark or happiness. I love my cousins.
  • college

    After highschool, I definitely want to go to a community college then progress onto a university. I'm not sure if I'm going out of state or staying in Kansas yet, but I 100% want to go to college.
  • career

    As of right now, I'm bouncing between to career choices. Those being becoming a pharmacist or an x-ray technician. For a while I really wanted to be a forensic pathologist, but soon moved on from it.
  • future (family)

    future (family)
    I'm not sure if I want kids or to get married yet, however, I want at least two cats (preferably one being a black cat) and maybe one dog. I've always wanted a cat, but probably won't be able to act on it until I'm older which is completely okay.
  • future (financial status)

    future (financial status)
    I WANNA BE RICH. Obviously not super super rich (wouldn't mind though), but just enough where I don't have to look at the price tag when I buy things. I want to be financially stable!
  • future (house)

    future (house)
    I want my mummy to live with me when I'm older. It's very normal for the parents to live with their children when they're older in filipino households and I really want that because I want to be able to take care of my mummy when she's older.
  • question 1

    question 1
    What does your time line tell you about yourself?
    It tells everyone that I am easily influenced and am family-oriented seeing as almost all of the events consist of stories about my family.
  • question 2

    question 2
    How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?
    Extremely different. All of these events have left such a large impression on me, if any were changed I'd probably be a completely different person.
  • question 3

    question 3
    How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?
    Very flexible, I don't think I've finalized on a decision for the future at all yet. Everything has options, like where I'm going to go for college, what I want to do as a career, family life, literally everything. Hopefully in the next year I'm able to finalize future plans :).