Personal Timeline

  • Birthday

  • Entering into the gifted program

    Entering into the gifted program
  • Entering into middle school

    Entering into middle school
  • Starting to Teen Staff at Youthfront

    Starting to Teen Staff at Youthfront
  • Covid-19 Pandemic

    Covid-19 Pandemic
  • Starting at KCAA

  • Graduating highschool

  • Starting college at JCCC

  • First job as a Social Worker

  • Die from hypothermia during the climate apocalypse

  • What does your timeline tell you about yourself?

    I have a lot of different passions and life experiences but a common theme throughout is working to help people whenever I can which is exemplified through my work at Youthfront and career as a social worker.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    The pandemic and Youthfront were both extremely impactful experiences in my life. The pandemic taught me a lot about myself as I was very isolated for a lot of it and I did a lot of journaling during that time as well. As well as this it altered the way my brain functioned on a high scale. Youthfront gave me a community that I surrounded myself with for years and that shaped my personality to a large extent because you become who you're around.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?

    I think that the events of my future are very up in the air. I am going to continue my education in whatever way works best for my lifestyle and whether I professionally do circus or social work with social work being the safest option and circus being the most exciting option.