The Columbia Space Shuttle disintegrated as it reached Earth's atmosphere and killed all seven crew members.
I was born
I caught my first fish
My family has always gone camping a lot, they all were obsessed with fishing. Although I was so young catching an actual fish (with a little help) was a huge achievement. When it happened they were so proud, me being so little it felt really good to be like everyone else. It was the start to me loving to fish still to this day and its a moment that I'll never forget. Now I fishing is something my family and I do to bond. -
Google purchased YouTube for 1.65 billion
YouTube has always been a big part of my life. I've watched it since I had an iPod touch in 3rd grade. It's showed me a lot about how to do certain things and given me people to watch and connect to. I've found a lot of new interests from YouTube and I still watch it everyday for life advice or entertainment. -
My dog Aspen died
Barack Obama was elected 44th president of the United States
An earthquake occurred in Haiti killing 160,000 people
We got my dog Boo
Getting Boo was one of the best days of my life because she was so adorable and sweet. Before her I never went to go pick out a dog, all the other dogs in my life were around before me. I instantly fell in love with her and now shes my best friend. When i'm sad Boo is there to comfort me, when i'm having a bad day she cheers me up. I can't imagine my life without my dog Boo. -
Earthquake struck Japan creating a tsunami
My brother Jackson was born
I was an only child for 7 years until Jackson was born. I always wanted a little brother and finally it was gonna happen. I remember clear as day that in the middle of the night we had to rush to the hospital. After he was born I got to hold him and as I looked into his big blue eyes I knew this kid was going to be a pain in the butt. Today he is a pain but I love him and hes such a fun person to be around. He taught me a lot of responsibility and patience. -
Boston Marathon Bombing
This happened when I was 10 years old. I remember seeing about it on the news. It was the first time I had ever seen anyone do something so horrible to so many people. It scared me for a while. As more things happened like that I became used to seeing all of the horrible stuff on the news. -
My grandpa was diagnosed with cancer
My grandma passed away
Orlando Nightclub Shooting
When this happened I was immediately upset and confused. The reason for the shooting was that the people in the nightclub were gay. Discrimination is one of the things that upsets me the most, there was no other reason for the killing except for them being gay. It showed me that not everyone in the world are as accepting as me. -
Terrorist attack in Paris
I donated 10 inches of my hair
It was 7th grade when I decided to donate my hair. It was very long and I wanted a different look. Cutting my hair was such a big and dramatic change that I didn't like at first. I realized that I had done something good for people without hair and after a while I got used to it and loved it, not as much as my super long hair though. I now know that i'm not going to cut my hair that short for a very long time. -
Trump Elected President
Trump is such a controversial person and when he was elected I followed everyone else's views and opinions and decided not to like him. As I've become more educated about him and what he's doing I've realized how much he's doing for America. Not only has he changed more than Obama in the last eight years, our economy is thriving ever since he's been elected. This has shown me that the majority opinion isn't always right. -
I got my tonsils out
I've gotten strep at least 3 times a year since I was a little girl. It's painful and annoying, I also developed tonsil stones which was annoying and constantly taking up my time. Getting them out was extremely scary and painful. It took me almost a month to fully recover. It was all worth it though because now I don't have to worry about strep or tonsil stones. It made my life a lot easier. -
Parkland, Florida School Shooting
This shooting was one of the biggest in the U.S. and not only did this effect schools all around America, it also affected all of the students. I personally didn't feel safe at school. It made me fear every day spent there after the shooting. I've always known that shootings have happened in the past, but in 2018 it started to feel more real. It was happening so often that I was convinced it was going to happen in our school. -
I got my drivers permit