Personal Timeline

By apemble
  • Birth

    I was born in Guangzhou, China
  • Got a Dog

    Got a Dog
    My family bought a yellow lab puppy. We named him Jack.
  • Moved Houses

    Moved Houses
    There was a fire in the basement of my family's house so we moved to a new neighborhood. I was going into 3rd grade.
  • Mission Trip to Arlington, TX

    Mission Trip to Arlington, TX
    My church organizes mission trips every year in varying places. In 2018, we went to Arlington, TX where I grew tremendously in leadership, serving others, friendship, and a deeper understanding of my faith.
  • Won Junior Hunter Finals

    Won Junior Hunter Finals
    A big, competitive event for equestrian showjumping in the US where the top 150-200 qualifying riders get to compete in Devon, PA. There I won one of the events, which is very big accomplishment.
  • Accepted to my Top College Choice

    Accepted to my Top College Choice
    I was accepted to Liberty University and its nursing program this year, which was my top college I wanted to attend.
  • Period: to

    Attend College

    Remain in college to gain a bachelors degree in nursing. I will also ride on LU's English equestrian team.
  • Period: to

    Possibly Find an Internship in Virginia

    Stay in Virginia (LU's location) and find a hospital to intern at.
  • Period: to

    Possibly Enlist in the the Military

    After graduation, enlist in the navy as a nursing officer.
  • Period: to

    Rent an Apartment

    Rent an apartment and buy a dog.
  • Visit Iceland

    Visit Iceland
    Visit Iceland to see the Northern Lights and experience the hiking and camping there.
  • The Day I Die

    The Day I Die
    I will die in 2099 after living a full life of experiences. I will have traveled and done a job I was passionate about.
  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    My timeline shows how much traveling I have done in my lifetime and how much more traveling I will probably be doing in the future.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?

    For the most part my future looks pretty flexible. I have two plans after college that if I chose either, my life would be different no matter what. I know I want to do nursing, but there’s plenty of room for what I could do with that degree later.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    If I had not moved houses, I would not have the same friends and connections I do now. I made some lasting neighborhood friends that I would never trade meeting them. If I had not gone on to Junior Hunter Finals I would not have the same grit or experience in the show ring as I do now. Those stories impact other riders at my barn and they have someone to look up to.